Fertility awareness is a powerful tool that allows to precisely determine the fertile and infertile phases of the menstrual cycles, in order to :
– aid in looking for conception and in fertility challenges
– assess the reproductive and menstrual health, as an aid for diagnosis and decision for treatment
– safely avoid conception (when thaught and followed correctly, the unintended pregnancy rate is as low as the hormonal pill’s) in many moments of a woman’s life (including breastfeeding and pre-menopause)
This program will give you:
– a deep understanding of your menstrual cycles, your hormones and their impact on your body, your fertility and your health
– clear guidelines to chart your cycles, determine when ovulation occurs and use this knowledge to aid conception
– the knowledge to use this tool to monitor your reproductive health and to know the signs that a medical checkup and/or natural support are needed
The method taught is the Roetzer symptothermal method, which allows the woman to observe, register and interpret the different signs of fertility:
– the cervical mucus. Its changes indicate the level of estrogens and that ovulation is getting closer (but not that it has occured!)
– the basal temperature. It rises after ovulation to indicate the presence of progesterone and that ovulation has occured. The length of this phase is key to allow a good implantation and start of the pregnancy.
– in option : the changes in the cervix, depending on the phases of the menstrual cycle
– secondary symptoms as emotional changes, abdominal pain, breast tenderness, etc.
Fertility awareness is a beautiful tool to manage fertility as a couple: the man is always invited to participate in the consultations and to actively participate in the registration and interpretation of the charts. Not only it supports the communication in the couple but it allows to share the burden of fertility management, respecting both the female and the male bodies.
The support program works with a first package of 3 appointments, in order to give you the basics. If conception has not occurred after the 3 first consultations there is often the need to deepen cycle analysis with following appointments, to be determined on a case by case basis.
I followed a 2 year training with INER Italy to become a certified FAM instructor. INER has a database of more than 600.000 charts, and high rates of success in aiding couples in achieving pregnancy though menstrual cycles reading. INER teaches the symptothermal method has it was invented by Dr Roetzer in Austria.
I then completed my training becoming a certified practitioner the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® in order to aid digestive and reproductive health supporting the optimal uterus position and circulation. This allowed be to beautifully blend this knowledge with my background in energetic therapies, support of the chakra system and aromatherapy.
I am now studying hard for a training in Restorative Reproductive Medecine (similar to NaproTechnology), a tool to aid doctors and midwifes to restore fertility instead of bypassing it in cases of fertility challenges. This allows me to add a strong understanding of the medical support of natural cycles and fertility and better assist the medical professions in their task to help women and couples.
– an initial consultation to review your situation and your needs, and give you the basics to start charting your cycles and supporting your fertility
– 2 following consultations to review your charts and allow you to deeply understand your cycles and how to read them to support your fertility. We will assess of your charts to determine if your menstrual health needs investigations and/or support, and the natural ways to help them with lifestyle, exercices and tools to use at home, essential oils and energetic support.
The following consultations after the initial package are 120€ each.
You want to know if this approach can be suitable for you and if I can be the right consultant to be chosen to follow you?
Contact me at info@lamandorla.eu to tell me more about you and your needs. Doing very individualised work I do not have many spots available and also want to make sure that we are the right match. I will be happy to refer you to other methods or practitioners if we see it is best for you.
You are already charting but would like some guidance and a review of your charts by a professional?
You can then book a single consultation. The cost is 120€ for 90 minutes. You can write to me at info@lamandorla.eu with your charts, your needs and 3 dates and times suitable for the appointment over the next month.