Free webinar

webinarBy signing up below you will receive the free webinar “9 key points to know before supporting clients with fertility awareness“.


This 20 minutes mini lesson can be useful if you are working to support women’s health and wellbeing, and especially fertility journeys.


We will see in detail in this webinar:

  • A fertility journey is always a a couple’s process.
  • A diagnosis can be a blessing… or a curse.
  • Bleeding, mucus and temperature patterns can give invaluable info.
  • Cycle patterns should be taken into account in the fertility support. You cannot interpret a cycle and a chart if you don’t know if the signs of fertility were observed AND registered correctly.
  • Knowing it empowers women, couples and the practitioners who follow them: it is like switching on the light in a dark path….!
  • Many fertility awareness methods are available… for many personalities, ways of life and tools !